The Blind Man (short story)

 (The story is based on a small town named as Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh and entirely fiction.) 

Shivpuri, the district named after the lord shiv was known for his greenery and forest had the first mention in history was of by Emperor Akbar while hunting elephants in the great jungle of Shivpuri. Although the city was clean and green but not the every heart here was pure like crystal. 

"okay! mom, we need to reach early you need to drive fast.", said Anisha to her mother Mrs. Rawat while she was driving a car when suddenly she hits a middle aged blind man by her car due to over speeding. Although she stopped the car at a moment before, yet the public gathered. Both the daughter got out of their cars. the public surrounded the mother-daughter duo  and started blaming them for hitting a blind man. While the blind man was still sitting on ground, feeling that the car has injured his legs. The public asked the duo to take the man to the hospital and lady duo followed that. The duo took the man to most expensive hospital of the district and apologized to him for the accident. The blind man, was angry and frustrated for the fact that they hit him and he had to go to an important event that morning, he said that he will call the cops and launch an F.I.R against them for over-speeding and hitting a man. The mother-daughter duo became very scared about what would happen next...they would be behind the bar very soon if the man calls the police cops. Both the ladies belong to Rawat family, which is the Royal Rawat family of Shivpuri. The great-great grandfather used to rule the throne in the British rule while after the independence the Royal family stated depleting. Mrs. Rawat offered the man money for not calling the cops but the blind man refused and kept on insisting for calling the police. But finally after a lot of plea , he decided to take the amount of around Rupees 10 lakhs as the compensation, 'quiet a big amount, but respect is what matters the most', thought Mrs. Rawat.

She in that 10 lakhs rupees decided to give her 4.50 lakhs car and provided the rest of it in cash within an hour after the deal. Meanwhile, the doctor wanted the X-Ray of his legs, although the only X-Ray machine in the town was not working due so a technician was called in the afternoon. So after giving the amount of money, she left. while the blind man sitting after next 10 minutes also left for his house although the doctor stopped him but he finally left. leaving the car back, he walked out with the cash in his hand. As he walked, crossed the street and finally reached his own house.

He kept the the money in the cupboard and walked closely to a mirror and just standing in front of the mirror he took his sunglasses off and started laughing loudly and saying to himself in the mirror that,    "I fooled them!". Then next day again he went back not to same place but a different place in Shivpuri, with his sunglasses and a long-walking stick which he carry so that he can look innocent and weak. He had a strong body, but instead of choosing something hardworking, he choose begging and made people fool knowing that he himself is making a way to hell.

He used to beg ask for help sitting near the great temples in Shivpuri, people also felt sympathetic towards him, asking money in the name of god in front of a temple, people used to give him money, sometimes food and sometimes he used to fool people in the same way in which how he fooled Mrs. Rawat. He continued this.

But he forgot that god is also seeing him, watching his deeds carefully to pay him back. every wrong deed you do you are payed off in this life only no need to wait for next and that true. He was going to do the same method of fooling but this time he thought it was a car but it turned out to be a truck. his half of the body hit the truck and his eyes banged on a sharp edge, that was truly a terrific incident but it was not the fault of driver for sure. This time also he was taken to the hospital and this time he was crying out in pain and that was real, he was taken to the ICU and the doctor reported that because of the sharp object which hit his eyes, he has lost his vision forever.  he was severely injured with few fractures in most parts of body.

after few days when he was discharged from the hospital, he went back to his house and started crying while he stood in front of the same mirror, he felt as if the mirror was talking to him what he could hear was that, " you thought that you were fooling everyone but actually god was fooling you😄", while he felt as if his sunglasses and stick is laughing at him and saying that, "now he really need us!!"

remember whatever wrong you do you are payed off for your wrong deeds, in this life only because god does not keep someone punishment as loan or credit. Every of our wrong deeds are recorded and we are payed them off back from time to time ,it could be a little late but becomes much harder.

(the image shown is an illustration of the story in short)

(kindly do not use anything in here, without my permission otherwise copyright intended) 


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